About Majesa
MAJESA LIMITED was the dream-child of Jenny Froehlich. Originally from Quito, the capital of Ecuador, after several years completing her education in Israel, she eventually came to England in 1972 where for twelve years she worked in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in charge of the department responsible for promoting her country's products. During that time she traded Panamas, one of the principal exports of Ecuador.
The year 1977 saw the export of Panama Hats reach a record of over five million sold to more than 120 countries including, of course, the United Kingdom. Jenny was a key part of this growth and fell even with the product as she got to know the weavers in Cuenca a town she had been acquainted with since childhood.
Eventually, on leaving the Embassy in 1984, she decided to make use of the many contacts she had made, both in the UK market and among the Ecuadorian suppliers, which together with her product knowledge, enabled her to start to import Panama Hats herself in a small way.

Today MAJESA has grown to be the UK's largest wholesale supplier with unrivalled knowledge in the industry of both the product and its country of origin. MAJESA supplies biggest names in the Sporting world and the hat business.